서울특별시 관악구 관악로1 / 서울대학교 보건대학원 국제보건연구센터(221동 401호)
TET : 대표번호 02-880-2720,2724 / FAX : 02-762-9105 / E-MAIL : cghr.snu@gmail.com
서울대학교 보건대학원 국제보건연구센터 허가없이 사이트 내의 디자인 및 이미지 등을 무단 사용할 수 없습니다
관리자 2022-01-30 162
The coronavirus pandemic has been slowed in developed countries thanks to massive vaccination drives. Countries have bought stocks to cover their populations, and in many cases have far more than they need. However, poorer countries generally have failed to reserve, and buy the vaccine stock they need. Now the world is faced with a problem of re-distribution, and campaigners say that the answer is to force drug companies to share their secrets, in order to make manufacturing possible in any country in the world. Three experts explain how we arrived at this point and the challenges now facing everyone involved in the fight against Covid-19.
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